Girl's Night. It's a pretty standard phrase in my vocabulary. We girls love to get together and hang out! It typically involves food, renting a movie (that we usually don't watch), talking, laughter, and general craziness! It's almost October which means it's almost time for our annual Halloween Girl's Night! Urban Legend is the scariest movie we've ever watched together and I'm pretty

sure that we're still scared for life from it. So we generally go with something pretty harmless when it comes to the scary factor. Something involving a mystery, not a gorefest! But this year, Rach's hubby, is going to be home the night of our planned girl's night and wants to watch our movie with us. And he's doing the choosing. I don't know what he got (Rach says he already bought it...) but I'm pretty sure I'll never go outside after dark alone again and will probably have a new found fear of the shower and/or woods!

Last year we decided to forgo the movie and go take a haunted hayride near Rach's house instead. Mistake. I'm pretty sure we scarred ourselves for life and will forever be afraid of chainsaws in dark woods (then again, who isn't afraid of chainsaws in dark woods?).
This year will also be the first year that Megan will be big enough to trick or treat. We're pretty excited to take her out and about for it. She may or may not freak out and hate it. But it will be alright. It's just one more fun tradition to add to our line up.
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