This past week, I decided to take my youth group to the same place. It's about a 2 hour drive so leaving after school on a Friday evening didn't get us there until about 7:30 by the time you added in potty breaks! The entire day it had been raining but we were glad to see it start to let up as we got to the maze. We armed the kids with flashlights and jackets, split up into two teams, and entered the maze, fully expecting to be out within an hour. The worked out great for the boy's team. Not so much for the girls. That maze was MUDDY! We slipped and slid for all of two hours before finally escaping the depths of the cornstalks! I think the girls started saying they were hungry around question 2 of our "scripture passport". Olivia even considered "eating her way out". We got lost on question 3. We got lost on question 7. We gave up on question 8 and called the boys to send help. There. I said it. We gave up!

But even after all of that, we still had a really good time. It wasn't the first and I know it won't be the last time that a event with the kids doesn't go as I plan it, but that's alright. Sometimes going with the plan isn't nearly as fun as going with the flow!
Note: I'm not sure that I'll do it again with the kids, (not because of the venue, more because there's just no predicting fall weather and who wants to take tired, wet, muddy, and hungry kids through a corn maze?) but I think my friends and I are planning another trip there in a couple of weeks. If you're looking for some family fun, I'd definitely recommend it!
Check them out here:
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